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Academic Programmes

Under Graduate Porgrammes

Name of the Degree Programme Eligibility for Admission
B.Sc. (Honours) (Agriculture)
  1. XII Std. (Science) passed in 10+2 pattern from Maharashtra State Board of Higher Secondary Education or an equivalent Examination, with PCB or PCMB or PCM or Inter (Agriculture) and passed with English.
  2. Those who have not offered Biology or Mathematics shall have to complete deficiency courses as prescribed by respective University.
  3. Common Entrance Examination i.e. MHT-CET/JEE/NEET/AIEEA-UG organized by competent authority in PCB or PCM subject.
B.Sc. (Honours) (Horticulture)
B.Sc. (Honours) (Forestry)
  1. XII Std. (Science) passed in 10+2 pattern from Maharashtra State Board of Higher Secondary Education or an equivalent Examination, with PCB or PCMB or Inter (Agriculture) and passed with English.
  2. Those who have not offered Mathematics shall have to complete deficiency courses as prescribed by respective University.
  3. Common Entrance Examination i.e. MHT-CET/NEET/AIEEA-UG organized by competent authority in PCB subject.
B.Tech. (Agricultural Engineering)
  1. XII Std. (Science) passed in 10+2 pattern from Maharashtra State Board of Higher Secondary Education or an equivalent Examination, with PCM or PCMB and English.
  2. Those who have not offered Biology shall have to complete deficiency courses as prescribed by respective University.
  3. Common Entrance Examination i.e. MHT-CET/JEE/AIEEA-UG organized by competent authority in PCM subject.
B.Tech. (Food Technology)
B.Tech. (Biotechnology)
  1. XII Std. (Science) passed in 10+2 pattern from Maharashtra State Board of Higher Secondary Education or an equivalent Examination, with PCM or PCMB or PCB and English.
  2. Those who have not offered Biology, Mathematics shall have to complete deficiency courses as prescribed by respective University.
  3. Common Entrance Examination i.e. MHT-CET/JEE/NEET/AIEEA-UG organized by competent authority in PCB or PCM subject.
B.Sc. (Honours) (Agri. Business Management)
  1. XII Std. (Science) passed in 10+2 pattern from Maharashtra State Board of Higher Secondary Education or an equivalent Examination, with PCM or PCMB or PCB* or Inter (Agriculture) and English.
  2. Those who have not offered Mathematics shall have to complete deficiency courses as prescribed by respective University.
  3. Common Entrance Examination i.e. MHT-CET/NEET/JEE/AIEEA-U organized by competent authority  in PCB or PCM subject.


Post Graduate Porgrammes

M.Sc.(Agriculture) Specialization Eligibility for Admission
Agronomy B.Sc.(Agri.) / B.Sc.(ABM) / B.Sc.(Agri. Bio-Tech.) / B.Sc.(Horti.) / B.Sc.(Forestry) / B.Sc.(Hons.) Home Science** degree or equivalent degree with four years duration of agriculture related Universities and having passed the Common Entrance Test in Agriculture faculty conducted by MAUEB, Pune

**B.Sc.(Hons.) Home Science candidates are eligible for Agricultural Extension Education subject only.

Agril. Botany Plant Physiology
Genetics and Plant Breeding
Seed Technology
Agril. Economics
Agril. Extension Education
Animal Husbandry and Dairy Science Animal Husbandry
Dairy Science
Agril. Entomology
Plant Pathology
Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry
Land Resource Management
M.Tech.(Agril.Engg.) Specialization Eligibility for Admission
  Agricultural Process Engineering B.Tech. (Agri. Engg) degree passed or equivalent degree with four years duration of agriculture related Universities and having passed the Common Entrance Test in Agricultural Engineering faculty conducted by MAUEB, Pune
Farm Power and Machinery
Irrigation & Drainage Engg.
Soil & Water Conservation
Renewable Energy Sources
M.Sc.(Horticulture) Specialization Eligibility for Admission
  Fruit Science B.Sc.(Agri.)/B.Sc.(Horti.)/B.Sc. (Forestry) degree or equivalent degree with four years duration of agriculture related Universities and having passed the Common ntrance Test in Horticulture faculty conducted by MAUEB, Pune
Vegetable Science
Post Harvest Technology
M.Sc.(Forestry) Specialization Eligibility for Admission
  Silviculture & Agro-Forestry B.Sc.(Agri.) / B.Sc.(Horti.) / B.Sc. (Forestry) degree or equivalent degree with four years duration of agriculture related Universities and having passed the Common Entrance Test in Forestry faculty conducted by MAUEB, Pune
  Forest Biology & Tree Improvement
  Natural Resource Management
  Forest Product & Utilisation
M.Sc. (Agril. Biotechnology) Specialization Eligibility for Admission
  B.Sc.(Agri.) / B.Sc.(Agri. Bio-Tech.) / B.Sc.(Horti.) / B.Sc.(Forestry) / B.F.Sc. / B.Tech. (Food Tech.) or equivalent degree with four years duration of agriculture related Universities and having passed the Common Entrance Test in Agricultural Bio-Technology faculty conducted by MAUEB,Pune
M.B.M. (Agri. Business Management) Specialization Eligibility for Admission
  B.Sc.(Agri.) / B.Sc.(ABM) / BBA(Agri) /B.Sc.(Agri. Bio-Tech.) / B.Tech. (Agril.Engg.) / B.Sc.(Horti.) / B.Sc.(Forestry) / B.F.Sc. / B.Tech. (Food Tech.) / B.Sc.(Hons.) Home Science or equivalent degree with four years duration of agriculture related Universities and having passed the Common Entrance Test in Agriculture Business faculty conducted by MAUEB, Pune


Ph.D. Programmes

Ph.D. (Agriculture) Specialization Eligibility for Admission
Agronomy M.Sc.(Agri.)/M.Sc.(Hort.) degree in the concerned subject of the Agrilcultural Universities in Maharashtra or of any other Agriculture related University recognised as equivalent thereto.
Agril. Botany Plant Physiology
Genetics and Plant Breeding
Seed Technology
Agril. Economics
Agril. Extension Education
Animal Husbandry and Dairy Science Animal Husbandry and Dairying
Agril. Entomology
Plant Pathology
Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry
Land Resource Management
Horticulture Fruit Science
Vegetable Science
Post Harvest Technology
Floriculture and Landscaping
Ph.D. (Agril.Engg.) Specialization Eligibility for Admission
  Agricultural Process Engineering M.Tech. (Agricultural Engineering) Degree in concerned subject or of any other Agriculture related University recognized as equivalent thereto.
Farm Power and Machinery
Irrigation & Drainage Engg.
Soil & Water Conservation
Renewable Energy Sources

Post Graduate Institute

Post Graduate Institute was established in the year 1970. A well experienced and trained faculty is managing the educational activities of this institute. Almost all the faculty members are Ph.D degree holders. The institute has blossomed into a center of excellence and provides a very conducive environment for the learning-teaching process. It provides all the facilities for learning to enable the students to acquire knowledge, skill and ability to face the emerging trends in agricultural sector.

The excellence in teaching reflected by a good number of candidates bagging every year Junior Research Fellowships/Senior Research Fellowships of ICAR, New-Delhi, out of heavy competition at all India level.



Admissions for the following Masters Degree Programmes are strictly on merit basis on marks obtained in the common entrance test (CET) of respective faculty for the current year conducted by Maharashtra Agricultural Universities Examination Board, Pune and CGPA of the qualifying degree examination in the proportion of 70:30 with weightages.


Master Degree

Sr.No Faculty Duration Intake Capacity Credit Load
1 M.Sc. (Agriculture) 2 years (4 semesters) 292  
2 M.Sc. (Horticulture) 2 years (4 semesters) 46  
3 M.Sc. (Forestry) 2 years (4 semesters 14  
4 M.Sc. (Agricultural Bio-Technology) 2 years (4 semesters) 12  
5 M.Tech (Agril. Engineering) 2 years (4 semesters) 25  
6 M.B.M.(Agri. Business Management) 2 years (4 semesters) 30  

Twenty five percent of the seats in Masters Degree courses are reserved for ICAR candidates. Selection of these candidates is based on the All India Entrance Examination conducted by the Indian Council of Agriculture Research, New-Delhi.(It includes 10% seats over & above the sanctioned intake capacity).

Detailed information regarding admission procedure will be available on the web site All the above courses are run on semester basis.



Sr.No Faculty Duration Intake Capacity Credit Load
1 Ph.D (Agriculture) 3 years (6 semesters) 38  
2 Ph.D (Agril. Engineering) 3 years (6 semesters) 15  
3 Ph.D (Agri. Bio-Technology) 3 years (6 semesters) 3  


Twenty five percent of the seats in Masters Degree courses are reserved for ICAR candidates. Selection of these candidates is based on the All India Entrance Examination conducted by the Indian Council of Agriculture Research, New-Delhi.(It includes 10% seats over & above the sanctioned intake capacity).

Detailed information regarding admission procedure will be available on the web site All the above courses are run on semester basis.


Academic Programmes

Post Graduate Courses leading to Masters degree are offered in 10 disciplines in Agriculture, 4 in Horticulture, 4 in Forestry & 5 in Agricultural Engineering

Faculty of Agriculture Faculty of Horticulture Faculty of Forestry Faculty of Agri. Engineering
Agronomy Fruit Science Silviculture & Agro-Forestry Agri. Process Engg.
Agri. Botany Vegetable Science Forest Biology & Tree improvement Farm Power & Machinery
Agri. Economics Floriculture & Landscaping Forest Product & Natural Resource Management Irrigation & Drainage Engg.
Extension Education Post Harvest Technology Forest utilization & processing Soil & Water Conservation
Animal Husbandry & Dairying     Renewable Energy Sources.
Agri. Entomology      
Plant Pathology      
Science & Agri. Chemistry
Agri. Business Management      

Doctoral degree programmes are available in 10 disciplines in Agriculture and 5 in Agricultural Engineering

Faculty of Agriculture Faculty of Agri. Engineering
Agronomy Agri. Process Engg.
Agri. Botany Farm Power & Machinery
Agri. Economics Irrigation & Drainage Engg.
Extension Education Soil & Water Conservation
Animal Husbandry & Dairying Renewable Energy Sources.
Agri. Entomology  
Plant Pathology  
Soil Science & Agri. Chemistry  



Falling in line with the policies of the University and ICAR, the curricula and syllabi are revised periodically by the Institute. Revision of syllabus and introduction of new courses are done based on the emerging needs.


Infrastructure Facilities

The college provides the following infrastructural facilities of well furnished class rooms with teaching aids, hostels for Ladies & Gents, Library, Computer Center, Internet facility, Tissue culture laboratory, Students counseling etc., in the campus to enhance the learning capabilities.


Contact Information

Associate Dean
Post Graduate Institute
Krishinagar P.O
Dr. PDKV, Akola 444 101
Phone : 0724-2258826

University Departments



  Departments Click on View for Details
glass_39 Department of Agronomy View
glass_39 Department of Agricultural Botany View
glass_39 Biotechnology Center View
glass_39 Department of Agricultural Economics and Statistics View
glass_39 Department of Agricultural Entomology View
glass_39 Department of Agricultural Extension View
glass_39 Department of Plant Pathology View
glass_39 Department of Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry View
glass_39 Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairy Science View
glass_39 Department of Horticulture View
glass_39 Department of Forestry View 


  Departments Click on View for Details
glass_39 Department of Fruit Science View
glass_39 Department of Vegetable Science View
glass_39 Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture View


  Departments Click on View for Details
glass_39 Department of Farm Structures View
glass_39 Department of Soil and Water Conservation Engineering View
glass_39 Department of Farm Power and Machinery View
glass_39 Department of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering View
glass_39 Department of Agricultural Process Engineering View
glass_39 Department of Unconventional Energy Resources and Electrical Engineering View



Constituent colleges

Sr.No College / Institution
Year of Estd.
Programmes Offered
Intake Capacity
Click on view for details
1. College of Agriculture, Nagpur
B.Sc. (Honours)
180  View
M.Sc. (Agriculture) 97
M. Sc. (Horticulture) 12
2. College of Agriculture, Akola 1955 B.Sc. (Honours)(Agriculture) 120 View
3. College of Agriculture, Sonapur 2009 B.Sc. (Honours)(Agriculture) 60 View
4. College of Horticulture, Akola 1984 B.Sc. (Honours)(Horticulture) 60 View
5. College of Forestry, Akola 1985 B.Sc. (Honours)(Forestry) 50 View
6. College of Agri. Engineering & Technology, Akola
B.Tech. (Agril. Engg.) 60 View
7. Post Graduate Institute, Akola 1970 M.Sc. (Agriculture) 162 View
M. Sc. (Agricultural Biotechnology)
M. Sc. (Horticulture)
M. Sc. (Forestry) 14
M.Tech. (Agril. Engg.) 30
Ph.D. (Agriculture) 43
Ph.D. (Agricultural Engineering) 10
Ph.D. (Agricultural Biotechnology)
8. School of Agri-Business Management, Nagpur 2009 Master in Business Administration (Agriculture) 30 View
9. Vasantrao Naik College of Agriculture Bio-technology, Yavatmal 2013 B.Tech.
50 View
College of Agriculture, Mul-Maroda
B.Sc. (Honours)
Bhausaheb Phundkar Government College of Agriculture, Buldhana
B. Sc. (Honours) (Agriculture)
 College of Food Technology, Yavatmal
 B. Tech. (Food Technology)
40 View

Affiliated Grant-in-Aid Colleges

Sr.No College / Institution Year of Estd. Programmes Offered Intake Capacity Click on View for Details
1. Shri Shivaji College of Agricuture, Amravati 1959 B.Sc. (Honours)(Agriculture) 180 View
M.Sc. (Agriculture) 12
2. Anand Niketan College of Agriculture, Warora 1965 B.Sc. (Honours)(Agriculture) 120 View

Private Non-Grant-In-Aid Colleges

Degree Programme   College / Institute Intake Capacity
B.Sc. (Honours)(Agriculture)

1. Vivekanand Agriculture College, Hiwara, Dist Buldana 120
2. S.V.G.I College of Agriculture, Jalgaon Jamod Dist. Buldana 120
3. College of Agriculture, Darwha Dist. Yavatmal 120
4. Marotrao Wadaphate College of Agriculture, Yavatmal 120
5. Ramkrishna Bajaj College of Agriculture , Pipri Distt. Wardha 120
6. Dr. Rajendra Gode College of Agriculture, Old Ajispur Road, Taluka:-Buldhana District:-Buldhana 120
7. Shri Sant Shankar Maharaj College of Agriculture, Pimpalkhuta, Taluka:-Amravati District:-Amravati 120
8. Late R.G.Deshmukh College of Agriculture, Tiwsa, Taluka:-Amravati District:-Amravati 60
9. Shri Samarth College of Agriculture, Deoulgaon Raja, Taluka:-Deulgaonraja, District:-Buldhana 120
10. Manoharbhai Patel College of Agriculture, Hiratola, Kalimati, Tal. GoregaonDist. Gondiya 120
11. Sau Vasudhatai Deshmukh College of Agriculture, Bodana, Tq. Dist. Amravati 60
12. Shri Sevakbhau Waghaye Patil College of Agriculture, Kesalwada Wagh, Taluka:- Lakhani, Dist. Bhandara 60
13. College of Agriculture Umerkhed, Taluka:- Umerkhed, Dist. Yavatmal 120
14. College of Agriculture , Shirla Andhare, Taluka:- Patur, Dist. Akola 120
15. College of Agriculture, Risod, Taluka:- Risod, Dist. Washim 120
Kevalramji Harde College of Agriculture, Charmoshi, Ta. Charmoshi Dist. Gadchiroli
College of Agriculture, Konghara, Post. Pimpari Tal. Kelapur Dist. Yavatmal
College of Agriculture, Amkheda, tal. Malegaon Dist. Washim
P.R. Pote (Patil) College of Agriculture, Kathora Road,  Dist. Amravati
B.Sc. (Honours) (Horticulture) 1. Shri Shivaji College of Horticulture, Amravati 120
2. Swatantrya Veer G.I. College of Horticulture, Jalgaon Jamod, Dist. Buldhana 120
B.Tech. (Bio-Tech.) 1. Shri. Shivaji College of Agri. Biotechnology, Amravati 100
B.Tech (Food Tech) 1. Sau. Vasudhatai Deshmukh College of Food Tech. , Near Rajya Resham park, Amravati 80
B.Sc. (Honours) (Agri Business Management)

1 Vivekanand College of Agriculture Business Management, Hiwara, Buldana 60
Rajashru Shahu Maharaj College of Agriculture Business Management, Sadakarjuni, Dist. Gondia
B.Tech. (Agril Engg) 1 S.V.G.I College of Agri Engineering & Technology, Jalgaon Jamod, Dist.Buldhana 80


Admission Notices

 NOTICE:- Admission to Certificate Course on Organic Agriculture -2013newbutton3
1) Prospectus 2) Application Form  
सुचना: सन २०१३-१४ या शेक्षणिक वर्षाची कृषी तंत्र निकेतन पदविका प्रवेशाची वाढीव स्पॉट फेरी राबविण्याबाबत

Milestones in Education

Sr.No Activity Year of Establishment
1 Establishment of College of Agriculture, Nagpur 1906
2 Establishment of College of Agriculture ,Akola 1955
3 Start of Shri Shivaji Collage of Agriculture, Amravati(Affiliated) 1959
4 Start of Anand Niketan Collage of Agriculture, Warora (Affiliated) 1965
5 Establishment of Separate Agriculture University “Dr Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola” 1969
6 Establishment of Post Graduate Institute with starting of Master’s Degree programme in Agriculture 1970
7 Establishment of College of Agriculture Engineering &Technology 1970
8 Switching over from Trimester to Semester system 1972
9 Establishment of Horticulture Degree Programme in Collage of Agriculture, Akola 1984
10 Starting of Ph.D. programme by course work in four disciplines of Agriculture 1984
11 Establishment of Forestry degree programme in Collage of Agriculture, Akola 1985
12 Common semester end examination through MCAER 1990
13 Establishment of Collage of Forestry, Akola 2001
14 Establishment of Collage of Horticulture,
15 Starting of Common Entrance Test for PG admission 2006
16 Starting of PG programme in Agriculture Biotechnology 2007
17 Establishment of College of Agriculture at Gadchiroli 2009
18 Started Master of Business Management in Agriculture programme at College of Agriculture, Nagpur 2009
19 Admission intake capasity to Post Graduate courses (M.Sc./M.Tech./Ph.D.) increased 2009

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