Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying


Unique Breed collection at LIF Department of A.H.& Dairying, Dr.P.D.K.V.,Akola.

The efforts are made toward collection of all cattle breeds from Maharashtra State. This is the first effort in the history of University to have such wide range of indigenous and exotic cattle breeds. This will serve the purpose of teaching, research and extension activities practically. The breeds are purchased from various (native) places directly from Govt. farms and farmers of different regions, with the aim to collect quality animals.

Various indigenous breeds maintained at Farm
Following breeds of Maharashtra State and out of Maharashtra were purchased during the year 2005-06.

1. Maharashtra State Breeds

Origin Vidarbha (Wardha)
Milk Production 600 kg /lactation
Utility (Draught purpose) Bullocks are famous for field operation like carting, ploughing


Origin Marathwada (Latur)
Milk Production 900 kg /lactation
Utility (Draught purpose) The females are good in milk production while males are well suited for heavy work


Red Kandhar
Origin Marathwada (Nanded)
Milk Production 600 kg /lactation
Utility (Draught purpose) Cows are poor milkers and males are popular for field and road work with best draft quality


Origin Western Maharashtra

(Satara and Sangli Dist.)

Milk Production 300-400 kg /lactation
Utility (Draught purpose) Bullocks are good for heavy works like harrowing, ploughing and road transport


 Origin  Konkan Region
 Milk Production  600 kg /lactation
 Utility (Draught purpose)  Cows are poor milker, bullocks are suitable for heavy rainfall in paddy region


Origin Pakistan Border

(Montgomery dist.)

Milk Production Best milch breed of India 3500 kg/lactation
Utility (Draught purpose) Cows are best in milk production and males are heavy, powerful but very slow in work



Origin Gujarat (Gir forest)
Milk Production 1590 kg/lactation
Utility (Draught purpose) The cows are good in milk, the males are also good in work


Origin Pakistan Border

(Tharparkar Dist.)

Milk Production 1500 kg/lactation
Utility (Draught purpose) The cows are good milk producers and males are good for ploughing and carting


Origin Gujrat (Ahmedabad)
Milk Production 1500 kg/lactation
Utility (Draught purpose) Bullocks are excellent draft animals well known for fast speed


Crossbred Jersey

 Origin  English Channel
 Milk Production  4000 kg/lactation
 Utility (Draught purpose)  Cows are heavy milkers the bullocks are also used for field operation in low temperature


Holstein Friesian (Cross)

Origin Holland
Milk Production 6000 kg/lactation
Utility (Draught purpose) Cows are best of all milch cattles and the males are utilized for field operations during low temperature.


Brown Swiss (Cross)

Origin Switzerland
Milk Production 4200 kg/lactation
Utility (Draught purpose) Cows are best in milk and bullocks are also used for ploughing, pulling of cart and beef purpose.


Nagpur buffalo (Gaolao strain)
Origin Vidarbha (Wardha)
Milk Production 1200 kg/lactation
Utility (Draught purpose) Sturdy, survive on any type of feed wastage, fat content of milk 8-9%


2. Conservation and multiplication of indigenous cattle germplasm

 A I Facility

To maintain the pure germplasm of various Indigenous and exotic breeds of cattle, it is necessary to apply artificial insemination technique. Semen straws for different breeds available in this department were purchased from various sources, Nitrogen cylinder and other necessary equipments are also made available within this Department. The resultant success in maintaining purity reaches in pregnancy of 39 cattles of different pure breeds.

Since purchasing of above indigenous cattle breeds in the year 2005-06, the cattles were maintained with care of feeding, breeding management to maintain pure line A.I. is being carried out regularly with pure semen of proven bulls maintained at BAIF Urulikanchan and State Govt. farms. At present this department is having (33) calves consisting of Khillar (1), Dangi (2), Sahiwal (1), Deoni (2), Red Kandhar (3), Gir (2), Gaolao (6), Tharparkar (1), Kankrej (1), Crossbred (14)


3. Forage unit

The department has 44.14 ha land for growing different forage crops for research and green fodder production. Various perennial and seasonal fodder crops are grown on 28.50 ha i.e. Hy. Napier, Yeshwant, Guinea, Maize, Jowar, Stylo. Berseem, Lucern and Oat. Irrigation facilities are available on 5.20 ha land and Anjan trees are planted on 1.18 ha land.

4. Lush green fodder

Animals maintained at LIF are fed with green fodder throughout year, for year round green fodder supply seasonal, annual and perennial fodder crops are cultivated in forage unit for production of lush green fodder.

Name of Crop: Berseem (Rabi)
Name of Crop Berseem (Rabi)
Yield 80 -100 t/ha
Nutrirional Status Protein – 16 to 19%


Name of Crop: Lucerne (Annual)

Yield 100-110 t/ha
Nutritional Status Protein – 16 to 19%
King of fodder CF – 25%

NFE – 37%



Name of Crop: Maize (Seasonal)
Yield 40 -50 t/ha
Nutritional Status Protein – 12 to 16%


Name of Crop: Oat (Rabi)
Yield 45 -50 t/ha
Nutritional Status Protein – 16 to 19%


Name of Crop: Yashwant (perennial)

Yield 200-250 t/ha
Nutritional Status Protein – 12 to 16%


Name of Crop: Anjan Tree Plantation
Yield 30 days interval
Nutritional status                             Protein – 12.5%

On pasture land bunds and boundaries of the fodder farm fodder trees like Anjan (Gliricidia) are grown the lopping are fed to the animals as green fodder.




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