Major Extension Programmes
A)Krishak Vigyan Manch (कृषक विज्ञान मंच )
Krishak Vigyan Manch (KVM) is established by Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola for regular interaction of scientists with farmers.
The programme is organized at all the 102 centre’s of Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola which includes constituent Colleges, affiliated Colleges, Agriculture Schools, Agriculture Research Stations and Krishi Vigyan Kendras. The programme is organized on 3rd Saturday of every month in between 11.00 am to 4.00 pm at all centers. The farmers from the districts are invited to become the regular members of KVM and on registration they are issued photo identity cards by Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola. The programme schedule includes the presentation by the scientists on a topic and demonstration pre-decided by the farmers during the pre-lunch session followed by presentation and interaction among members in presence of experts in the post-lunch session.
At the close of each KVM the farmers propose the topic of next KVM. Accordingly experts from the University are invited for presentation and interaction during next KVM. Number of KVM programmes held at all centers’ of Dr. PDKV was 1065and Number of farmers registered was 19303 since its inception.
Farmers opined that due to Krishak Vigyan Manch their confidence is increased and they have started using University develop technologies and varieties. Because of KVM, they have stopped taking suggestion from outsiders and taking their own decisions. Their income rise by 15 to 20 percent and cost of production is becoming less. Due to KVM, nearly 8 Lakh farmers are getting them self aware about University developed technologies and have started adopting technologies in general and University technologies in particular. Impact of the programme is clearly visible as large number of KVM farmers are getting National and Prestigious awards. |
B) Krishi Doot Trainings
Training of Krishi Doots by respective Krishi Vigyan Kendra was started by selecting Krishi Doots in batch of 50 from cluster of 10 villages. The village cluster was selected on the basis of similar soil and cropping pattern of the village. The training module includes the scientific and technological need of those villages. Since commencement of the programme 61 trainings were organized wherein 4642 Krishi doots have been trained. The trained Krishi Doots stay in their native villages and advice the farmers on different crops and related technology with regards to nutrient management, pest and disease management and other aspects of crop production in addition, providing information on market and other agricultural enterprises. Krishi Doot Training Proved highly beneficial to rural Youth of Villages. They are giving scientific advice to farmers as well as have started they are own rural enterprises after the training. In Gondia, Yavatmal and Wardha Districts more than 900 rural youths have started enterprises like Dal Mill. Lac cultivation, Apiculture, Vermicompost Unit etc. it is assumed that train Krishi Doots have reached One Lakh farm families. |
C) Agricultural Extension through Religious Discourse
Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola had organized the brain storming session with all the persons who deliver the religious discourses fortnightly on Ekadashi Day and impress upon them to include the simple messages from crop production technologies, which include nutrient, pest and disease management, field operations etc. as the part of their discourse. The agricultural technology diary of the University “Krishi Sanvadini-2008” was distributed to all participants. The reactions from the religious leaders were extremely positive and they have initiated the process immediately. This method of extension is expected to effectively transfer the technology messages to men and women, primarily farmers regularly participating in Kirtan and Pravachan programmes. |
In response to appeal made by the University during brainstorming session of persons involved in religious discourses, Kirtankars have started the process of dissemination of technology massages to farming community in rural areas through religious discourse. By this method farmers are realizing the importance of seed treatment, Soil and Water conservation techniques, integrated pest management and other low cost technologies. According to one estimate 2000 Kirtankars have provoked more than 5 Lakh farmers of Vidarbha region
D) Hello Kastakar
An On-line Phone-In-Programme, a two way channel of communication reaching the unreached. This channel has benefitted Lakh of farmers facing the problems with respect to the Agricultural Technologies. |
Survey conducted for assessment of impact show that 44 percent farmers utilized the information broadcasted on Hello Kastakar While 56 percent farmers utilized it to medium extent. Farmers perceived that there is increase in their annual income by Rs. 7200 an above after regularly listening the programme. It is estimated that this programme has been reached to more than 5 Lakh farmers.
E) Pre-Monsoon Krishi Mela
Pre-monsoon Krishi Mela for farmers is organized every year in view to have interaction of the farmers with Agriculture Scientists and to plan the forthcoming Kharif crops. The Agriculture scientists of the University also answer the queries of the farmers.
F) Krishi Din
The function of Krishak Din is held every year on 1st July to honour the farmers, giving extra ordinary contribution in Agriculture.
G) Shivar Pheri (A Field Trip)
Shivar Pheri is one of the regular extension activities of the University being organized every year on 20th October i.e. University foundation day. Three days programme of Shivar Pheri is carefully organized for farmers of Vidarbha region. Farmers are informed through print & electronics media, State Agril. Departments, KVKs, and other line departments of the respective district. Shivar Pheri enables farmers to get in to face to face contact with the scientists on the particular spot in which farmers are interested. The farmers are served with tea-breakfast in morning and lunch. After the field visits most of the farmers join ‘Charcha Satra’ session from 4.00 pm. Onwards. ‘Charcha Satra’ is inaugurated at the hands of progressive farmer Strong deliberations is noticed during the Charcha Satra Session each year.
It’s really encouraging for University Scientist that 87 percent farmers came to Shivar Pheri from their pocket expenses. This clearly shows the interest & confidence of Farmers in the University activities.
As regards objectives of farmers met in attending Shivar Pheri. 68.00 percent farmers reported that their objectives are completely met. Thirty two percent reported that to some extent their objectives are met. No farmer was found in objectives not met category.
Self evaluation of farmers shows that, due to interaction with scientists on field and during Charcha Satra there was change in knowledge of farmers.
H) Mega Agricultural Exhibition
A Grand State Level Agricultural Exhibition Cum Kisan Mela is being organized by Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth every year in different districts of Vidarbha during 27th to 29th December to mark the birth anniversary of Dr. Panjabrao alias Bhausaheb Deshmukh. This Year, on the eve of 111th birth anniversary of Bhausaheb Deshmukh, during the above period an Agricultural Exhibition including Charta Satra on important topics was organized at Circus Ground, Gondia.
The topics for Charcha Satra were:
- Sustainable Paddy Production Technology
- Production Technology of Pigeon Pea and Horse Gram
- Production Technology of Linseed, Groundnut and Sunflower
- Integrated Pest and Disease Management
- Success stories of Progressive Farmers
Over three fourth of the respondents on average have highly positive impact of exhibition on them. Farmers get themselves aware about the technologies developed by the University, ICAR Institutes and Research Institutions. Impact was clearly seen as farmers had made enquiry about seed availability, noting down of phone numbers, names of scientists, their cell numbers etc.
I) Voice Message Service
University has started Voice Message Service (VMS) for broadcasting Agricultural messages to 5000 farmers of Vidarbha region and likely to expand to cover 2 Lakh farmers very soon. The messages on cost effective Agriculture is reaching farmers once in a week as per agro environmental conditions. It will benefit to speedily reach the advancement in Agriculture technology. |
J) Entrepreneurship Development Camp
Entrepreneurship development camp and training to 19000 rural youths was one of the important programme of University. This programme was successfully organized in coordination with NGO, leads to start of many Agro based enterprises by the rural youths in their villages.
K) Krishi Dindi
The Krishi Dindi was started by state department of agriculture since 2009 to create awareness about university developed technologies related to IPM, INM, IWM, Soil and Water Conservation, Farm Mechanization etc. University scientists actively took part in various programmes organized under Krishi Dindi and guide farmers.
L) Hope Generation Programme
Hope Generation Programme was Started by Dr. S. R. Khonde former Director of Extension Education for creating self confidence and to reduce the distress of farmers of Vidarbha by organizing rallies, Melas and number of Extension Programmes and create awareness about low cost Agricultural Technologies among farmers. |
- Promoting and organizing agricultural exhibition in eleven districts of Vidarbha.
- Organization of Taluka Krishi Melawa.
- Carry out rallies for creating awareness amongst farmers through 102 centers of Dr. PDKV, Akola.
- Adoption of villages under University jurisdiction and introduction of Agril. Technologies.
- Organizing Sarpanch Melawa for creating awareness about University developed technologies in all Districts of Vidarbha.
- Organizing Krishak Vigyan Manch on every third Saturday of every month at all centers under Dr. PDKV.
- Conducting training for Krishi Doots nominated by Grampanchayat.
- Publication of handouts on low cost technology and its distribution.
- Distribution of Krishi Calendar to the Grampanchayat of eleven Districts.
- Introduction of Low Cost Technology through N.S.S and RAWE students.
- Investigation of causes of farmers Suicide and Remedies.
- Organization of Need based training to the farmers, farm youth and farm women sponsored by various agencies.
- Formation of Cotton, Soybean and Horticulture farmers group.
- Involvement of Agriculture Assistant working in APC scheme for transfer of low cost technology in the villages.
- Organization of Rallies of Staff, Students, Scientists for creating awareness regarding Agril. Technology, moral boosting and creating of self confidence among distress farmers.
Regular Extension Programmes
A) Transfer of Technology
The key components of the mission of University on transfer of technology front are |
- Promoting Farmers’ Field School (FSS)
- Providing proactive advice to farmers
- Partnership with consortium of innovative farmers and Self Help Groups(SHGs)
- Expanding and strengthening the network of Krishi Vigyan Kendras.
- Organizing Mega Agricultural Exhibitions, Kisan Melas, Shiwar Pheris and Farmers’ Rallies.
- Functionalization of ATIC
B) Trainings
Directorate of Extension Education conducts various types of trainings/workshops through its Centre of Excellence for training (CET) established in March 1988. This centre is well equipped with office/Training building, farmers/Trainee’s, Hostel, Vehicles, Essential Classroom and field training equipments, Modern Audio Visual Aids and Sectional Library. As per mandates the centre has organized 2479 trainings/ workshops for senior and middle level extension functionaries, benefited by 9755 trainees since its inception. |
C) Dr. PDKV Farmers Club
To make effective farmers scientist interaction and efficient dissemination of technologies at grass root level this club is a sound platform for farmers and processors. University scientist act as a facilitator and they initiate the programme undertaken by the farmers |
D) Training & Visit System
Under Training and Visit System of Extension Education, five Extension Agronomists, associated with a team of Master Trainers – Entomologist, Plant Pathologist and Horticulturist, play major role in T.O.T. through District Monthly Workshops, field visits, diagnostic team visits, farmer’s trainings, Agril. Exhibition and Krishi Melas. The jurisdiction of Extension Agronomists is as under: |
E) Farm Advisory Services
i) Mobile Agri-Clinic : The services of Extension Agronomist and scientists along with necessary instruments/ equipments are provided for soil and water testing, diagnosis of pest and disease infected crops, cultivation of different crops, irrigation management and marketing etc. The services of this mobile van made available in the villages of Akola and Buldana districts. Mobile Agri-clinic Van was also used in few places in Amravati, Yavatmal, Wardha, Chandrapur, Bhandara and Gadchiroli districts on special occasions.
ii)Press Conference/Publicity: Directorate of Extension Education is actively involved in collaboration with other Units of the University in releasing information on new technologies, crises management under natural calamities like drought, untimely rains, pests outbreaks and other special situations. Press notes are regularly released on various achievements, and activities such as seminars, Training, Workshops, Farmers Melawa, Field days, Exhibitions and Visits, etc. Press releases/news has been given wide coverage in leading newspapers.
iii) Use of Electronic Media: In order to disseminate the latest know-how to the Farmers, University keeps close contact with the electronic media. The media enables wide and faster reach to the farmers with least dissemination losses. The scientists of various disciplines prepare radio and television talks, which are broadcasted and telecasted through various electronic media i.e. AIR, Doordarshan and E.TV-Marathi television.
iv) Correspondence Service: The correspondence services is provided to the farmers, Extension Functionaries, Agro-dealers, NGOs who seek need based solutions to their problems related to new varieties, diseases and pests control, animal husbandry, vermi-composting, poultry, University extension literature, seed, planting material availability etc.
v) All India Radio and Doordarshan Programme : The University is associated with All India Radio, Nagpur, Akola, Jalgaon, Yavatmal and Chandrapur stations for its Agriculture and Rural Development Programmes. “Krishi Vani” is a daily relay of five minutes duration, in morning every day with its repeat in afternoon. For this programme Directorate of Extension Education has supplied 365 topical hints. The programme has benefited large number of cultivators from Vidarbha, Marathwada and Western Maharashtra. These hints have helped farmers for different operations to be undertaken by them in their fields.
The University Scientists were also invited by Doordarshan Kendra, Mumbai and Nagpur for giving guidance to farmers. The University Scientists participate in agricultural programmes from Nagpur Doordarshan and ETV. These programmes benefit large number of cultivators from Vidarbha, Marathwada and Western Maharashtra.
Film Show: During the course of different trainings programmes organized by the University and at the time of farmers visits the need based documentary films and slides were shows to them.
Field Days: Field days were organized by the various institutions of University. Farmers are informed about the recommended varieties of crops, package of practices and other aspects of farming.
Farmers Queries: Farmers from university jurisdiction and other parts of the Maharashtra state approached the university by sending letters for seeking guidance on various problems, University Scientists reply them properly.
Visit to the farmers’ field: Scientists of University regularly visited the farmers’ fields under various schemes as well as in response to specific invitations from individual farmer or organization. The T and V staff and Extension Agronomist along with University Scientists visited adoptive trials conducted on the field of farmers in Vidarbha under T and V programme. During these visits interaction between scientists and farmers took place.
Field Trip and discussion session: Field trip and discussion session programme is a regular feature in the University. This programme is implemented through various institutions under the University.
Participation in National Exhibition: Directorate of Extension Education also participated in National exhibitions held all over India. Dr. PDKV Akola stall exhibited various innovative extension methodologies through blow-ups. The university stalls are highly appreciated by the participants.
Krishak Bhavan
Under the Cotton Development Project with the help of Indian Council of Agricultural Research and World Bank the Krishak Bhavan in the University was built to provide lodging facility to the farmers and trainees. The trainees attending short term courses and the farmers visiting the University are provided with lodging facility in the Krishak Bhavan.