Krushi Vigyan Kendras (कृषी विज्ञान केंद्र)



Sr.No Name Location
1 Krishi Vigyan Kendra Yavatmal
2 Krishi Vigyan Kendra Selsura, Wardha
3 Krishi Vigyan Kendra Sindewahi, Chandrapur
4 Krishi Vigyan Kendra Sakoli, Bhandara
5 Krishi Vigyan Kendra Hiwra, Gondia
6 Krishi Vigyan Kendra Sonapur, Gadchiroli
7. Krishi Vigyan Kendra-CICR Nagpur
8. Krishi Vigyan Kendra Jalgaon Jamod
9. Krishi Vigyan Kendra Ghatkhed
10. Krishi Vigyan Kendra Karda, Risod
11. Krishi Vigyan Kendra Durgapur
12. Krishi Vigyan Kendra Buldana
13 Krishi Vigyan Kendra Sisa(Udegaon)
14 Krishi Vigyan Kendra Sangvi (Rly)




ICAR has established 33 KVKs in Maharashtra State out of which 13 are located in Vidarbha Region.


  1. Collaborate with the subject matter specialists of the State Agricultural Universities/Scientists of the Regional Research Station and the State Extension Personnel in “On-Farm Testing”, refining and documenting technologies for developing region specific sustainable land use system.

  2. Organize training to update the Extension Personnel within the areas of operation with emerging advances in agricultural research on regular basis.
  3. Organize long term vocational training courses in agricultural and allied fields for the rural youth with emphasis on “Learning by doing” for generating self-employment through institutional financing.
  4. Organize Front Line Demonstrations in various crops to generate production data and feedback information.

KVK Profile

Sr. No. KVK District Year Of Establishment Zone Home Institute Pstal Address and Phone No.
1 KVK, Selsura Wardha 27.12.1979 CVZ* Dr. PDKV, Akola P. C., KVK, Selsura, Tq. Deoli, Dist. Wardha Ph. 07152-287085
2 KVK, Sakoli Bhandara 17.03.2002 EVZ* Dr. PDKV, Akola P.C. KVK, ARS, Sakoli, Dist. Bhandara Ph. 07186-236343
3 KVK, Sindewahi Chandrapur 01.04.2004 EVZ Dr. PDKV, Akola P.C. KVK, ARS, Sindewahi Dist. Chandrapur. Ph. 07188-288071
4 KVK, Yawatmal Yawatmal 01.04.2004 CVZ Dr. PDKV, Akola P.C. KVK, ARS, Waghapur road, Yawatmal. Ph 07232-241745
5 KVK, Hiwara Gondia 16.02.2004 EVZ Dr. PDKV, Akola P. C. KVK, Hiwara, Post Ratnara Dist. Gondia. Ph. 07182-280180, 202244
6 KVK, Sonapur Gadchiroli 02.09.2004 EVZ Dr. PDKV, Akola P. C. KVK, ARS, Sonapur, Dist. Gadchiroli. Ph. 07132-222621
7 KVK-CICR, Nagpur Nagpur 24.10.1994 CVZ CICR, Nagpur (ICAR) P. C. KVK, CICR, Panjari Parsodi, Wardha Road, Nagpur. Ph. 07103-275536, 275549, 275538
8 KVK, Jalgaon-Jamod Buldhana 19.10.1994 WVZ* Satpuda Education Society, Jalgaon Jamod, Dist. Buldana P.C KVK, Jalgaon Jamod, Distt.Buldana.  

Ph: 07266-221620

9 KVK, Ghatkhed Amaravati 24.08.1995 WVZ The Sharmasafalya Foundation, Amravati P.C KVK, Ghatkhed, Tq.Chandur Rly, Distt.Amravati  

Ph: 07221-227070

10 KVK, Karda, Risod Washim 16.09.1994 WVZ SUVIDE Foundation, Risod, Dist. Washim P.C KVK, Karda, Tq.Risod, Distt.Washim.  

Ph:07251-226315, 222260

11 KVK, Durgapur (Badnera) Amravati 19.10.1995 WVZ The Shram Sadhna Trust, Amravati P.C KVK, Durgapur (Badnera), Tq.Distt. Amravati. Ph:0721-281560
12 KVK, Buldhana Buldhana 21.10.2010 wvz Dr. PDKV, Akola Tq. Dist. Buldhana
13 KVK, Sisa (Udegaon) Akola 24.08.2010 WVZ Rural Development & Research Foundation Ramlata Busuness Centre, Amravati Road, Akola-444001
KVK, Sangvi (Rly)
  Sangvi (Rly) Post Hatola, Tq. Darvha Dist.  Yavatmal

* CVZ = Central Vidarbha Zone, EVZ = Eastern Vidarbha Zone, WVZ = Western Vidarbha Zone





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