Holding & Sections
Library Holdings
The University Library possesses books (Reference books, textbooks, & other recreational books), theses, back volumes of periodicals, proceedings of the conferences, seminars, workshops, research reports, special publications of research organizations, institutions, educational bodies such as FAO, WHO, ILO, UNESCO, ICAR, AIU, UGC, AICTE etc.
Position as on 31/03/2017
Added during the year 2017-18
Total as on 31/03/2018
Print Books
Back Vols.
1052 |
65 |
Special Collection
University Library has maintained special FAO Repository collection received from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. This University Library is amongst 15 FAO Depository Libraries in India. It has been recognized as Depository Library for FAO publications since 1987.
Online eBooks
University Library is providing online access to more than 687 eBooks published by CABI which can be accessed from http://www.cabi.org/ and 65 books from EBSCO Host Services which can be accessed from http://web.a.ebscohost.com/. The access is provided to all colleges in the campus and off the campus.
Periodicals Subscribed
To provide the latest information to the students, staff and research scholars and to abreast with the new developments taken place in their field of interest University Library subscribes to various national and international level periodicals.
University Library is subscribing to 14 online journals and also providing access to CAB Abstract Database which covers all the abstracting journals published by CABI and can be accessed from http://www.cabdirect.org/
University Library has also provided access to 10000-15000 online open access journals from online journals link.
Online e-Journals
From Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA) University Library has provided access to more than 3,951 journals and can be accessed from (http://www.jgateplus.com). University Library has also provided access to 41 online journals published by Wiley and can be accessed from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/. At the same time access to 625 online journals published by various publishers is also provided and can be accessed from http://web.b.ebscohost.com/. The access to all theses online journals is throughout campus, and also from all colleges off campus. University Library has also provided access to more than 15000 to 20000 online open access journals available in open access system from various publishers, aggregators and institutions.
Lending Facility
University Library provides the facility of issuing and returning of books for home reading and for reference in the reading room also. University Library has issued 7804 books for home reading and issued 357 books for reference in reading room during the year. |
Reading Room Facility
University Library has provided reading facility in reading room as well as in different Section also such as Periodicals sections, Theses section, Reference section, Back volumes of periodicals section. 200 students can be provided accommodation at a time. During the year under report 1935 students have used the reading room facility.
Reference Section
University Library is having rich reference collection, which includes Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Handbooks, Manuscripts, Maps, Directories, Gazetteers, Yearbooks, etc.
Reprography Section
Users of the library are always in need of Xerox copies of articles published in peer reviewed journals and other published materials from books, reports etc. To provide them efficient and effective service photocopying facility is made available. 13312 Xerox copies have been provided to 321 users during the year 2013-14.