Commercial Fruit Nursery Unit, Akola




About Station




Agro Climatic Information















Educational Activities






Contact Information


About Station

Commercial Fruit Nursery Unit is situated near Nagarjun Medicinal Garden on National Highway No.-6 Akola. Which is one of the part of College of Horticulture, Dr. P.D.K.V., Akola.
Being a perennial nature of life cycle, propagation of fruit is very important and essential art and science for selling the healthy, true to type planting material.
Ultimately, it directly or indirectly reflects in to the production of maximum yield and quality of fruit. Taking into consideration of above fact, the production of virus free planting material is the immense need of cultivations of the region. Since contamination of various genuses through the unhygienic instruments, adulteration in the media like soil, sand, vermiculite etc, is common amongst the nurseryman. Mango, Aonla, Annona, Fig, Citrus spp., Papaya are the important fruit crop of the region. The different varieties of above fruit crop, which are popular among the cultivator, are thus, produce on large scale in this unit.
This unit was established in the year 1981-82 At the time of establishment, it was run by Central Research Station, Dr. PDKV, Akola. Under non-plan scheme of Govt. of Maharashtra. After the separate function of college of Horticulture, Akola from the year 2001-02, it is working under leadership of Associate Dean, College of Horticulture Dr. PDKV Akola.


Agro Climatic Information

Akola is situated at an elevation of 307.4 meter above the mean sea level at 220 42’ North latitude and 770 02’ East longitude and has subtropical climate. Normal rainfall of 0.2 mm in 41.2 rainy days received at Akola centre. Rainfall received during four months i.e. June to Sept. maximum temperature ranges between 29.0 0C to 47.2 0C. April, May and 1st week of June are the hottest period in which temperature ranges between 33 0C to 44 0C. However, in the month of December and January maximum temp is below 30 0C. The minimum temp ranges between 10.3 to 27.6 0C. Bright sunshine hours ranges between 3.3 to 8.8 hours in rainy season sunshine hours are less (3.3 to 4.5 hours) wind speed in the range of 4.9 to 9.1 km/hour during January to April, However, it is more onwards April up to Sept. (10 to 16.2 km/hour). Relative humidity 10 % during summer and maximum in Rainy season i.e. 88 %. Evaporation rate is maximum during summer (17.3 mm/day) and minimum in the month December and January (402 to 5.2 mm day).



Land :

The area under this unit is about 3.50 ha of which area under permanent plantation about 1.50 ha. Area under other seasonal horticulture crop is about 1.50 ha. Area under building, roads, green shade net house, etc. is 0.05 ha.

Other Facilities :

  • This unit is having mother orchard of Citrus Spp, Mango, Sapota, Guava for the source of grafting material used for the preparation of graft.
  • Successful grafting of different fruit crop are achieved by this unit with using the Green Shade net house.
  • This unit is having two green shade net house size 60×80 feet and 40×30 feet with foggers to maintain watering and temp. under net house for better establishment of graft, seedling and cutting.
  • The irrigation facilities is well equipped and the micro sprinklers are used for irrigate the raising bed different seedling
  • Root trainers are used for raising the papaya seedling.



The main objectives behind the establishment of this unit are

  • To provide genuine and true to type planting material to the cultivators and government agenesis.

  • To provide the planting material in cheaper rate.

  • To advice, the farmers regarding the scientific method of planting of various fruit crop.

  • To develop horticultural propagation practices of various fruit crop during nursery stage.



  • To develop Nursery practices for production of commercial fruit plant like, mango, chiku, aonla, sitaphal, mandarin, kagzi lime etc.

  • The grafts, layers and seedlings of commercially important fruit crops are being produced and sold to the cultivators and Govt. agencies.

  • The response of the local and outside farmers, towards the purchase of planting material produced in this unit is so warming and enthusiastic that, without giving any advertisement of this unit in any media, about 95-98% of the produce is sold amongst the cultivators.


Educational Activities

  • Experimental trial of M. Sc. Fruit Science (Hort.) students is going on the unit.

  • Practical of B.Sc. (Hort.) Degree Course related to propagation were conducted in this unit.

  • Practical of M. Sc. Horti. Student regarding propagation and nursery studies associated with this unit.


Research Activities and Achievements

  • The main objective of establishment of this unit is to provide genuine and true to type material to the cultivators.

  • This unit as a research point of view conduct various research trial of fruit crops to solve the problem regarding propagation of different fruit crops which are important and grown in this region which is provide to the farmers by this unit.

  • The research is have immense importance that how easy efficiently the techniques of different propagation standardized by this unit which is suitable to environmental condition of this region.

Technology use for Propagation:

  • Softwood grafting in Aonla
  • Softwood grafting in Sitaphal/Ramphal/Hanumanphal
  • Polybag method of layering in Guava
  • Softwood grafting in Sapota
  • Softwood grafting in Mango
  • Air layering in Pomegranate.
  • Preparation of seedlings of Coorg Honey Dew variety of Papaya.

Most important achievement of the nursery is after it is working under the leadership of collage of Horticulture from 2001-2002 the receipt of this unit is about 30 lakhs. which is utilized by the C.R.S. Dr. PDKV and by University time to time and the yearly receipt show progressive performance and the receipt utilized by this unit for better growth of nursery.

Research recommendation
Research recommendation of various fruit crops is given on different propagation method of fruit crops like sapota, custard apple, mango. guava. etc. recommendation on seed germination of Aonla and grafting time of custard apple.
This unit are take keen interest to standardized the germination of Karonda and standardized the cutting method of propagation in pomegranate


Extension Activities

  • This unit organized the exhibition of different crops and seedling cutting for the farmers during ‘Shiwar Feri’ conducted by Dr. P. D. K. V., Akola.
  • This unit participated various Agricultural Krishi Melava
  • Trainees of different organization visited this unit for training organized by Dr. P. D. K. V., Akola.
  • Cultivator in batches from all over MS, MP, Rajasthan, Gujarat, visited this nursery every year.
  • T.V. talk given by this unit – 40 topics from different Propagation Techniques of fruit crops
  • Guided farmers regarding planting techniques of different fruit crop.



  • 120 popular articles related to nursery management practices and propagation of different fruit crops.

  • Prepared six folders for transfer of technology related to propagation techniques through this unit.


Contact Information

Assistant Horticulturist
Commercial Fruit Nursery Unit
College of Horticulture
Near Nagarjun Garden
Dr. P.D.K.V. Akola
Phone : 0724 – 2258508
P.B.X. Extn . 1149


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