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Agriculture Research Station, Tharsa, Mauda, Nagpur


glass_37   About Station
glass_37   Infrastructure
glass_37   Research Activitioes
glass_37   Transfer of Technologies
glass_37   Scientists
glass_37   Contact Information


About Station

Agricultural Research Station, Tharsa is situated in Mauda Tahsil of Nagpur district on Ramtek- Nimkheda road. The distance of this research station from Mauda bus stop is 15 km away while from Tharsa railway station it is 1.5 km. Nimkheda and Tharsa are the nearby villages of this station which are only 2.5 km away from this station.

Irrigation system is dependent on the Pench dam Canal water source  is used for 30.00 ha area of this station.

Agro Climatic Information           

Rainfall:- Avg. annual Rainfall is 978.40 mm
Soil Type :- Black Cotton Soil







  • The station has 67.09 ha Area
  • Water storage in form of one farm ponds is available
  • Tractor and implements

Acreage Utilization

Total area of the farm

67.09 ha

Area under roads, bunds, threshing yard, farm pond  & Bulidings

13.09 ha

Area under cultivation

54.00 ha



  • To develop production technology of drilled rice taking into account the constraints of the region.
  • To conduct the multivarietal trials of paddy, gram, lathyrus and wheat.
  • To produce breeder seed and implementation of foundation and certified seed production.



Research Activities & Achievements

  • Execution of Kharif /Rabi cropping scheme
  • Execution of Kharif /Rabi Res. Trials
  • Conduction of RAWE Programme


Transfer of Technologies

  • Participation in Krishi Melawas
  • Organization of field day
  • Extension activities carried out with the help of RAWE students
  • Provided the need based information in the allotted villages


In this station following posts are sanctioned 

  • Associate Professor of Agronomy & Officer in Charge
  • Assistant Professor of Agronomy
  • Assistant Professor of Botany
  • Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology


Contact Information

Associate Professor (Agronomy) & Officer in Charge
Agricultural Research Station
Tharsa , Tq. Mauda, Dist. Nagpur 441106
Maharashtra (India)
Ph No. 9421818112


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News in Media (वृत्तपत्रामध्ये प्रकाशित बातम्या)

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