Proforma, Nodal Cell(ICAR)
- Proforma for Submission of Annual Report under Tribal sub Plan
- Check List: Funds utilization & it impact: Monitoring and Review of Funds Released from Agricultural Education Division, Indian Council of Agricultural Research to Agricultural Universities
- Proforma for Annual Report under the Central Development Assistance from ICAR to Agricultural Universities
- Proforma for Impact Assessment Report of Agricultural University in India (XII Plan Period April 2012 onwards)
- Proforma for Submission of Demand under National Talent Scholarship (UG and PG proposals should be submitted separately)
- Proforma for Submission of Project Proposal under Niche Area of Excellence
- Proforma for Submission of Demand under “Strengthening and Development of Agricultural Universities (Development Grant)”
- Proforma for Submission of Demand under Student READY (Rural Entrepreneurship Awareness and Development Yojana)
- Proforma for Submission of Impact Report under Library Strengthening