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Executive Council

Executive Council of the University

Sr.No Name and Address   Honour Phone(O)/ Mobile Phone (Res)/ Email Id
1. Dr. Sharad R. Gadakh
Vice Chancellor
Dr. PDKV,Akola
Chairman 0724-2258365  0724- 2258184
2 Shri. Amol Mitkari
Member of Legislative Council
At Post Kutasa, Tah. Akot    Dist Akola- 444101


Shri. Kiran Sarnaik
Member of Legislative Council

“Om Nivas”, Near Bhumiabhilekh Office, 

Civil lines, Washim- 444505


 9623555551  9822470879


Shri. Randhir Sawarkar
Member of Legislative Assembly

 At Rautwadi,

, Akola- 444005

Member  9822577363  
7      Member    
Shri. Prashant Kukade,
(Agricultural Industrialist)
Raghuji Nagar, Nagpur
Shri. Janardan Nilkanthrao Mogal,
(Progressive Farmer)
At. Post. Changefal Tah. Sindkhedraja Dist. Buldhana
Shri. Moreshwar Bhagawantrao Wankhade,
(Progressive Farmer)
Near Kathiwale Complex At Post Tah. Warud Dist. Amaravati
11 Shri. Keshavrao Yadavrao Tayade
(Progressive farmer)
At Post Tah Dist. Aurangabad

94237 79800

99234 84005

Smt. Hemlata Shrikrushna Andhare
(Progressive farmer)
“Govind” Noreshwar Colny, Akola-444005



13 Dr. V. K. Mahorkar
Agriculture Scientist
A-102, Ujwal Flats, Rahate Colony, Wardha Road,   Nagpur- 440012
14 Dr. Y. G. Prasad
Director ICAR-Central Institute of Cotton Research, Shankar Nagar, Nagpur-440010
(ICAR Representative)  
15 Commissioner (Agriculture)
Office of Agriculture Commissioner (MS)
Pune -411001
  Member 020-25512830
16 Commissioner  (Animal Husbandry)
Office of Commissionerate (Animal Husbandry), Spicer College Road, Aundh, Pune – 441007
  Member 020-26123843  —
17 Director Horticulture
Directorate of Horticulture
Office of Agriculture Commissioner (MS) , Central Administrative Building, Pune – 411001




   07232- 242426
18 Commissioner, Dairy Development, Maharashtra State      Administrative Building, Abdul
Gafarkhan Road
Phase-C, Worali
  Member 022-24937064  —
19 Commissioner (Fisheries)
Taraporewala Matsalay,            Netaji Subhashchandra Road, Charni Road, Mumbai- 400002
  Member    —
20 Chief Conservator of Forest
Yavatmal Forest Division, Yavatmal
Dist. Yavatmal – 445001
  Member 07232-242894  —
21 Director of Research
Dr. PDKV,  Akola
22 Dean (PGS)
Dr. PDKV, Akola
23 Registrar,
Dr. PDKV, Akola
Member-Secretary 0724-2258372
24 Comptroller (Invitee),
Dr. PDKV, Akola


About University

Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola was established on 20th October, 1969 with its head-quarter at Akola. This Agricultural University was named after the illustrious son of Vidarbha Dr. Panjabrao (alias Bhausaheb) Deshmukh, who was the Minister for Agriculture,Govt. of India. The jurisdiction of this university is spread over the eleven districts of Vidarbha. According to the University Act 1983 (of the Government of Maharashtra), the University is entrusted with the responsibility of agricultural education, research and extension education alongwith breeder and foundation seed programme.

The University has its main campus at Akola. The instructional programmes at main campus are spread over in 5 Colleges namely, College of Agriculture, College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, College of Forestry, College of Horticulture and Post Graduate Institute. At this campus 4 degree programmes namely B.Sc.(Agri.) B.Sc. (Hort.), B.Sc. (Forestry) and B.Tech. (Ag. Engg.) , two Master’s Degree Programmes viz. M.Sc.(Agri.) and M.Tech. (Agri.Engg.) and Doctoral Degree Programmes in the faculties of Agriculture and Agril. Engineering are offered.

The University has its sub-campus at Nagpur with constituent College, College of Agriculture which offers B.Sc.(Agri.) and M.Sc.(Agri.) degree programmes. The Nagpur Campus is accomplished with a garden, surrounded by its natural beauty and a well established Zoo which attract the general public and visitors to the city. A separate botanic Garden is being maintained on 22 hectares with a green house for the benefit of research workers.

In addition there are 2 affiliated grant-in-aid colleges and 14 private non-grant-in-aid colleges under the umbrella of this University

A Central Research Station is situated at the main Campus which caters to the need of research projects undertaken by Crop Scientists of the principle crops of the region are Cotton, Sorghum, Oilseeds and Pulses.


Agro-ecology of the region

This region has been divided into four Zones on the basis of precipitation, number of rainy days, soil group, physiology and cropping system. The zone receiving 700-950 mm. precipitation with less than 52 rain days having vertisols of varying depth has been identified as the Assured Kharif Crop Zone consisting of the districts namely, Buldana, Akola, Amravati and a part of Washim district while the districts Yavatmal and Wardha and a part of Nagpur are characterised by its precipitation in the range of 950-1250 mm. , 52-62 rainy days having vertisol soils constituted the Moderate Rainfall Zone. The districts, namely, Bhandara, Gondia, Chandrapur and Gadchiroli have been categorised as the High Rainfall (1250-1700 mm.) Zone. While hilly tracks of Amravati district receiving rainfall in the range of 950-1700 mm. have been categorised as Moderate to High Rainfall Zone. The Vidarbha region is endowed with rich forests. The region has an area of 27.5 lakh hectares under forest which accounts for 52per cent of the total forest area of the State and 28per cent of the geographical area of the Vidarbha region.


Cropping Pattern

Agriculture in Vidarbha is characterised by dryland farming with 90 per cent of the cultivated area dependent on monsoon. Foodgrains account for about 54 per cent of the gross cropped area. Cotton and Soybean are major cash crops of the region having about 28 per cent and 7 per cent area respectively.

शिवार फेरी २०२४
38th Convocation – 14th Feb 2024
38th Convocation – 14th Feb 2024
Agrotech (कृषी प्रदर्शिनी ) — 2023
शिवार फेरी २०२४
शहीद स्मारक
Vasantrao Naik College of Agril. Biotechnology, Yavatmal
38th Convocation – 14th Feb 2024
Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh…..
Administrative Building – Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh krishi vidyapeeth
Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Memorial Centre
College of Agriculture, Akola
College of Agriculture, Nagpur

Latest Links & Updates

Contact Us

Dr. S. K. Thakare
Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth
P.O. Krishi Nagar
Akola-444104 (MS) India.
Phone & Fax No: +91-724-2258372


General Feedback


Comments on University Website Design and Contents

Guest Houses




In- Charge for all Guest Houses

University Engineer
Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth
Krishi Nagar, Akola- 444104 (Maharashtra)
Phone No.(0724) 2258681



Shri. N. M. Khanderao

In-charge University Guest House
Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth
Krishi Nagar, Akola- 444104 (Maharashtra)
Phone No.(0724) 2258853



Mr. N.M. Deshmukh
Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth
Krishi Nagar, Akola- 444104 (Maharashtra)
Phone No.



Mr. N.M. Deshmukh
Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth
Krishi Nagar, Akola- 444104 (Maharashtra)
Phone No.



Director of Extension Education
Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth
Krishi Nagar, Akola- 444104 (Maharashtra)

Phone No. 0724-2258174
0724-2258200 to 2258217 (Extn: 1130)

Site Map

Site Map
Site Map

Agricultural Research Information System (ARIS) Cell


ARIS Agriculture Research Information System (ARIS) has been established in the University in 1996 with assistance from ICAR, New Delhi.

ARIS Cell, being the hub for IT based facility for University, has been furnished and equipped with modern ICT equipments like High End Servers, Networking Devices and 24 hours uninterrrupted power backup systems


    Server Room / Data Centre

 Staff at ARIS Cell

  1. Shri. Rajesh D. Ghorpade, Officer in Charge and Associate Professor of Computer Science
  2. Shri. R. D. Walke, Associate Professor of Agril. Statistics
  3. Shri. P. P. Kolhe, Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Objectives: –

  1. To put information close to manager and scientists who will use it.
  2. To improve the capacity of research organization to organize, store and retrieve information relevant to their mandates.
  3. To develop regular procedures and mechanism for those organization to share information. 
  4. To improve the capacity of that organization to plan, monitor and evaluate their research programs.


    Server Room / Data Centre

IT Based Facilities Provided:-

  1. Campus LAN (Intranet) of 400 nodes for communication and sharing the information among University Scientists.
  2. Hosted University website / portal and webmail facility on high-end servers at ARIS cell
  3. Existing campus LAN(Intranet) connected to National Knowledge Network (NKN) through 1 Gbps link.
  4. Internet facility is made available at every LAN node through proxy server with at least 100 Kbps speed and also through Broadband connections at remote places where LAN is not reached.
  5. Statistical Analysis of data generated in Research work of Staff and Student through advanced statistical software.
  6. LAN is authenticated for viewing and requesting the resources (abstracts, full text book, online Journals) on CeRA at on e-Resources in agriculture).
  7. Establishment of NISAGENET (National Information System on Agricultural Education Network in India) unit in 2005 for providing information to Central Unit at IASRI, New Delhi.


Technical Services provided:-

Staff of ARIS cell are engaged in providing following technical services

  1. Conducing computer-training programme for staff and student.
  2. Development of software as per the requirement of various offices.
  3. Maintenance of all computer related equipment of this university.
  4. Campus LAN (Intranet) maintenance and its connectivity supervision
  5. Updation of Information about University regarding Education, Research and Extension on University website and its upgradation.
  6. Maintenace of E-mail server and the users of it.
  7. Regular updating of the information in the database of NISAGENET project.
  8. Monitoring the performance of CeRA (Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture) and sending reports.
  9. Teaching of Computer related courses of UG, PG and Ph. D. degree programmes
  10. Assisting the staff and stuents of the University in doing Statistical Analysis through Advanced statistical software.


 Campus LAN

The campus wide network project for connecting all the offices, colleges and student hostels with underground optical fiber cable is lied to extend the IT services on the campus. All the student hostels are setup with a small computer laboratory for providing 24 hours internet connectivity. Connectivity among various offices through fiber or UTP, is shown in belowed diagram
LAN Image
Campus Network Diagram Showing the Connectivity between Major Offices


labaris1 labaris2
Cetralized University Internet Laboratory With 30 Desktop Computers


powaris powaris2
Power Backup System


Recently ARIS cell had setup a Smart / Virtual Classroom alongwith Interactive Whiteboard and 12 desktop machines equipped with Web Camera and Head mic with sitting arrangement of 22 students. This smart room is designed for conducting the classes by ARIS cell staff for UG, PG and Ph. D. students. Virtual classroom will also be used for conducting, the trainings for staff like Online teaching, online meetings and development of e-learning modules and other.      smartclass
    Smart / Virtual Classroom





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